How do I organise a team building away day for our surgery?

Posted by on Jul 19, 2018 in Blog | Comments Off on How do I organise a team building away day for our surgery?

Before making any arrangements, there are some questions that need answering such as “What are the reasons we are doing this”.

Is it something that is done every year and is therefore expected by the staff?
Are there specific issues that need to be discussed?
Is this something to lift morale within the surgery?

Equally important to ask is “What are our desired outcomes and how are we going to measure them”

The answer to these questions will most likely depend upon the type of intervention you choose. For example a meal out for the team or say a trip to a local ten pin bowling club can do wonders to lift morale but could be quite ineffective in resolving any on going issues.

What is the budget?

Within the NHS, very often it will be the budget that determines the range of options available so knowing this beforehand lets you know what you can or can’t organise.
Will this team building away day for your surgery be financed by the Practice or can you get funding from say the CCG or LMC or indeed is there a special initiative from within NHS England. Some years ago we delivered our away day for a surgery when NHS provided funds as part of a project called “Making Headroom”

In house or Away?
We would always recommend taking people away from the busy hurly burly environment of the surgery but this doesn’t have to be as expensive as you think. A lot of surgeries we have worked with, have hired a local village hall with an all inclusive deal regarding refreshments tea etc. If it is an afternoon away day we think it is a good idea to start off proceedings with a light lunch provided by the surgery.
Half the surgeries we have worked with, do something in house so with a bit of careful thought it is possible to keep costs down and still achieve a good outcome.

Half day or whole day?
Most of the Practices we work with opt for an afternoon half day format because of the restrictions placed upon closing the surgery. We have found that the half day format is a good fit for any allowed protected learning time.

It is a good idea to accept that there are some obvious times such as July and August (holidays) and between October and January (Flu season) when it isn’t possible to take people away from the ‘day job’. Our experince shows that the months of February and September are the most popular months for this type of intervention.
It is also a good idea to accept from the start there will never be a time and date that suits everyone.

What type of intervention?
Why not ask other Practice Managers, your CCG LMC or Federation, as they can probably point you in the right direction. You could also trawl the internet – there is a huge choice out there but beware because not all suppliers such as event management companies are aware of the unique requirements of the NHS.
You can of course always give us a call and even if we can’t help we are always happy to recommend others we know of.