Away Days for GP surgeries after the Covid 19 pandemic

Posted by on Jul 7, 2020 in Blog | Comments Off on Away Days for GP surgeries after the Covid 19 pandemic

Following the Covid 19 pandemic we believe that GP surgeries now more than ever need to take time out of their busy schedule to review what has happened and how this will impact upon the way forward for their Practice.

In our unique “Have Your Say” session the whole team (Clinical Administrative and Reception) are placed in different teams throughout the day and their opinions/views asked for.
Accordingly we have adapted our questions to reflect this new changed environment.

As a surgery how well did we cope? What could we have improved upon?
What did you find the most difficult thing to deal with?
What change/adaptation was the most beneficial and improved your working day?
What changes would you like to keep?

Both Lynn and I have been fit and well and have been Covid 19 free and so it is our intention to work to the following protocols.


At all times we will maintain at least a one metre distance and we always wear a surgical mask in a public place or when working with clients. We disinfect hands throughout the away day.

Discovering Potential art session
Consumables – All art paper, score cards, practice sheets are from our stock which has been in place long before Covid 19 and has not handled since. In preparation for an away day we also wear gloves when setting up.
Re-usable equipment – All paint brushes, water containers, colour mixing plates and straws are always thoroughly washed anyway, to ensure they are clean for each new away day. In the current situation though we will also for example, disinfect the handles of paint brushes, and will ensure we wear gloves when doing so.

Have Your Say session
Consumables – As above in respect to the paper people write their comments on
Re-usable equipment such as markers and pens will be disinfected prior to an away day

Facing Challenges circus skills session
Consumables – The only consumables are the score cards. Rather than give out score cards individually we will ask people to take their own score card and pen from where we have set them up.
Re-usable equipment – All juggling balls, spinning plates and sticks, flower sticks and control rods, diabolos and control sticks and scimitars will be disinfected prior to each away day.

On the away day we will ensure people only use the equipment they have already used rather than our usual practice of putting equipment back after use. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions queries or special requirements.